HP Channel: Technology on Tour 2011/2012
HP Channel: Technology on Tour 2011/2012
For the 8th/9th time on the road with "Technology on Tour 2011/2012" Roadshow
In January 17th and 18th,2012 we executed the last stopp of the "Technology on Tour 2011" part in Mauritius. It was a full success story.
The first day was the African French speaking partner day on the second day we welcomed the African English speaking countries.
The complete content of the show was highly appreciated and various discussions and hands on sessions took place.
The overall feedback was very outstanding and good. The HP African team as well as all African partners do need this event as a single platform to generate business and brain storming. It has a deep impact in relationship building and was highly appreciated by all participants.
In addition, the visit and speach of HP's Vice President Imaging and Printing Group EMEA, Mr. Vincent Vanderpoel marked this event stopp as one of the most important of the whole roadshow.
The partners and HP have already contracted enormeous future business on this show. In addition, HP honoured its partners in different categories for their outstanding service over the last year.
We are so proud that all our work and help made this event so successful.
Below we have summarized again all our work, organization for the outstanding roadshow 2011/2012:
During last years' roadshow planning we have faced new challenges and opportunities. Due to a change within the project responsibility, we had the chance to organize this event directly from its birth on. Our functions had been expanded considerably:
- Definition and work out of event content
- Creation of event agenda
- Definition of technical and organisational country requirements
- Naming of roadshow: "Technology on Tour 2011/2012
- Creation of event look and feel (general signage, save the date, slide decks)
- Development of feedback forms
- Purchase of event gadgets
- Development of product sessions, session layouts and additional technical products
- Organisation of all technical devices
- Purchase of add on products and technical devices if needed
- Installation of devices and partner solutions
- All signage has been printed in our own printshop
- Coordination of local and central speakers for the sessions
- Coordination of country calls
- Responsibility of overall technical, organisational and logistical event budget
Stopps done in 2011:
Istanbul / Turkey, Budapest / Hungary, Vienna / Austria, Brno / Czech Republic, Warsaw / Poland
Stopps done in 2012:
Mauritius / Africa, Dubai / UAE
Feedback from Mr. Vincent Vanderpoel, VP HP Imaging & Printing Group EMEA:
"My apologies to the Africa team for not sending this message earlier. I wanted to thank all of you for staging a very successful event in Mauritius, for me it was time very well spent. When I contemplated what to write, the following came to my mind to describe the event:
- Well organized
- Great team energy, efforts, come across as on HP family. You are a fun team to be with, and this shows when interacting with partners"
Our motto is always to make one more step than others do!
At the moment we are in the process to organize and plan the upcoming stopps in 2012. We will soon inform you about where to visit us soon.
So long, talk to you in a while ;-)